Our annual meeting is fast approaching (March 2), and I hope you’ve registered to join us. I also hope you will bring a “friend we haven’t met yet” so they can get acquainted, too. This is the biggest event of the year, a must-attend for our region. In previous years, we have brought in powerful – and national - speakers to inform us and broaden our thinking. This year, our theme is “Investing in Tomorrow.” I’ll be talking about this all year… on so many fronts, change - transition - is upon us.
One of the biggest roadblocks to change is the perception that it’s not in our self-interest. What we know: tomorrow is a certainty; it’s already upon us. And we get to own what’s coming next. Our self-interest absolutely is served as we look to tomorrow’s people, culture, and technology. How can we be better by adapting? Enhancing? What can tomorrow teach us? And what is the “opportunity cost” if we, instead, spend our time admiring the problem? The very nature of a chamber is to bring people together. We start with relationships, cultural residency. We organize around the good thing we want to see happen, and we inspire the innovative spirit. Our Annual Meeting speakers will explore how we position ourselves to capitalize on what tomorrow brings. I look forward to seeing you! Comments are closed.
January 2025