Growth in a rapidly changing economy and a time of rebuilding and reimagining requires partnership and collaboration.
By working together, we cast a collective vision of possibilities. Making space for all stakeholders will ensure all voices contribute to create tangible wins for individual employers, employees and the community at large to spur economic growth.
The St. Paul Area Chamber believes in the art of the possible and seeks to generate continuous growth and prosperity across the broader East Metro community through: |
Current Economic
Development Partnerships:
East Team |
This group of East Metro Economic Development collaborators works collaboratively to focus on the vibrancy of our region as a means for attracting investment, supporting business growth, and leveraging our collective resources. The East Team is comprised of economic development representatives from our Chamber, the City of Saint Paul, Saint Paul Port Authority, Ramsey County, the Saint Paul Downtown Alliance, Greater MSP, Saint Paul College, Visit Saint Paul, Midway Chamber and BOMA as well as other key stakeholders. The East Team is co-chaired by the President/CEO of St. Paul Area Chamber and the Deputy Mayor of the City of Saint Paul.
Ramsey County Means Business
To facilitate consistent growth, Ramsey County Community & Economic Development (CED) provides access to financial incentives and hands-on business support while acting as the first stop for site selectors searching for community information and available sites.
Ramsey County
Workforce Solutions |
Ramsey County Workforce Solutions supports the success of area businesses through quality workforce development services. Workforce Solutions will help find your next staff member or up-skill your current workforce. Services are free and made available by the public workforce and economic development system. Workforce Solutions works with all job seekers, from new workers to skilled professionals. Call us to speak to a workforce development representative!
Another benefit offered to Ramsey County businesses is the access to resources provided by Ramsey County Workforce Solutions (WFS). WFS is committed to serving Ramsey County businesses as they grow and thrive through a variety of quality workforce services for businesses. Services include connecting businesses to area job fairs, gaining a presence at one of our career labs, finding a qualified match with jobseekers, understanding various workforce incentive programs, and learning more about incumbent worker training opportunities. |